I love color. Not just a little, but bold rainbow stripes of color. My kitchen is yellow and my living room is red. My car is purple. Ironically I wear a lot of black.
Before I was a photographer, I was a painter. Back when I lived in an apartment three times the size of my current coop at a 7th of the price. Granted, I had to live in Buffalo...but i digress. Back to color. I painted bold swaths of color all day and night, moving the oil this way and that, diluting, blending, edging the angled brush endlessly, in an effort to get the deepest saturation possible.
So I look at my images these days, and that's what I see. Last night, photographing my boldest client yet (it's 40 degrees and raining, she's nine and a half months pregnant, it's dinner time, and she says "can we go outside?" and I say "halleluja I thought you'd never ask!!") I see this:

Rain saturates the colors of the natural world just as an edging brush does to oil paint. The photographic opportunities these next few days are endless...if i can only keep my fingers warm enough to push the shutter. Another point for painting.

Both shoots tomorrow have been postponed due to rain (wimpy 2 year olds :) - so more on the flip side.
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