On Sunday we were at the National Zoo for mini sessions, what a great location. I will definitely be setting up more sessions there over the summer. If you're interested in knowing when, let me know and I will add you to the list. I was actually amazed at how both convenient and versatile the location was. We had a blast playing and following the light to great areas. First, Laith, excuse me, Zoo Keeper (as he wanted to be called) ...

Feeding hay to the imaginary animals...

Erin and Benjamin were INTO the bubbles. I learned a valuable lesson yesterday - only make the "I have bubbles" announcement when you're ready to lose control of the session. You never get that kid back and into you when there are bubbles around. I bet I could make a million dollars if I invented a camera that shot bubbles out of the side. Like one of those straws that winds down from a hat carrying two cans of beer...seriously. I think Nikon would be into this.

Oh, correction. If you have bubbles, it can be trumped by a water fountain. Benjamin found the button on the side of the waterfountain as mom, Becky, and I were talking. We had "finished" the shoot (everyone knows by now that I'm never really finished with a shoot) and I turn around, and Bam! fantastic picture opportunity. Becky didn't protest, so I shot them while they played in the water. Then, as we're walking back to the car, Becky says, "alright, we've got to run to a birthday party!" oops.

And Tom's great gift to his wife, Laura, and their newborn, Noah. A fun day at the zoo and first photos of the new baby and mom....

Little Maximo and mom and dad with the beautiful spring dandelions and the dogwood that has my eyes itching uncontrollably...oh..it looks so innocent.

And shy Gabby sharing a flower with her mom, Sandra...

And Cristiana and the very shy Lucas (he'll warm up next time!)

coming in the next post...photojournalism and a project very close to my heart, coming to life...
I love the photo of the baby in the basket. Adorable!
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