Shoestring mag posted this article on finding a great deal on a bridal gown. From the stance of a woman who has seen a lot of weddings, the dress must fit. That's what it comes down to. When you find "the dress", you'll might as well have your name embroidered on the inside, it will be so you. So when you find it, buy it in the size you are now, and budget to have it altered so that it fits you like a glove.
And if you're getting married in the area and want to have a photoshoot of trying on dresses, what the heck, give me a call. I'll do it for free. First three to call get it, so let your friends know.
I was struggling to tie this post into photography ... so there you go.
more later

I'd say this is true for bridesmaid dresses, too. I was just in a wedding where one of the bridesmaid's dresses ripped the night before the ceremony! All three of us ended up wearing different style dresses in different colors.
Anyway, it's the marriage that really matters!
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