So back to the subject at hand. Despite that fact that my photo eye is cramped and cloudy and a bit mopey because it is camped out in front of the computer ... i am thrilled, thrilled! to share with you my new website. The trouble was worth it and now i even know what color FFFFFF stands for (in RGB). Which i am sure will be very handy.
So, head on over to to check out the new site - it's supersized. My web designer hat was fun for a while, but nowhere near as fun as my photographer hat. The accountant hat, well, we won't go there. And don't worry, no accounting posts in the near future.
Here's a few shots from my one saving grace this past week - a fun shoot at one of my favorite restaurants, Vermillion.....thanks Kevin, Dave and Tony!

Your new site looks great, Stacey!
And, web designing is an art to itself so I don't blame you for being thrilled. Congrats!
Great work. Many talents, many talents.
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